This powerfull app is a generic listing system with geolocation feature (e.g. for shops or businesses). Users can add list entries with geo data (country, city, street) and the item will be displayed on a map. The markers on the map have a link to the entry.

With the integrated verify system admins are able to control items that are showing on the map. Users can switch between verified or non verified listing.

You can monetize this plugin by allowing specific usergroups to post location entries. If a shop wants to get on the map you could enable subscriptions so they have to pay before adding a shop.

Enable/disable Verify system
Enable/disable location system
Enable/disable map on item view
Privacy setting
Like system
Font Awesome support
Custom field (e.g. for website url or phone number)
Enable/disable group and page links
Recent places block on index and item view (can also be added to member index or other controllers)
Change map location on places index page
Autozoom feature
Locationpicker for lat & lng
Uploading images for specific usergroups (phpFox 4.6.0+)
Youtube Support
